The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order : In order to conduct an orderly meeting, with everyone getting a chance to express their opinions, it would be in order to follow the rules of conduct as prescribed in the Robert's Rules.


Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version - Cont.... 


The Basics of Robert's Rules of Order


Tabling a Motion

Tabling a motion lays aside an item of business temporarily in order to attend other business. A tabled motion cannot be taken from the table until another item of business has been transacted since the tabling. If the tabled motion is not removed from the table by the end of the next meeting, the motion ceases to exist.

1. A member makes a motion to table the motion.

2. Motion must be seconded (No discussion).

3. Presiding officer calls for a vote, and states result of the vote and action taken.


Removing a Motion from the Table

A member may move to remove a motion from the table during the Unfinished Business part of the meeting once all agenda Unfinished Business items are addressed.

1. A member makes a motion to remove a motion from the table.

2. Motion must be seconded.


At this point, the motion has been removed from the table and discussion of the motion proceeds as if the motion had never been tabled in the first place.

3. Presiding officer calls for discussion.

4. Presiding officer calls for a vote, and states result of the vote and action taken.


Motion to Postpone

A member may move to delay action (voting) on a motion to a certain time, usually the next meeting. A postponed motion is considered unfinished business and automatically comes up for further consideration at the next meeting (or designated date).

1. A member makes a motion to postpone the motion to another date (usually the next meeting).

2. Motion must be seconded.

3. Presiding officer calls for discussion.

      4. Presiding officer calls for a vote, and states result of the vote and action taken